Thursday, April 22, 2010

In court...

(I found this little gem in my phone, dated Jan 26th. I mildly amused myself reading this) :)

Now I know that non-payment of my outstanding tickets resulting ignore fines IS ULTIMATELY MY FAULT. However I think prisoners are treated better than this process (I kid, I kid - no hate mail please). I get to the courthouse at 640am, court opens at 8am. No earlier. No later. Promptly at 8am. 50 people are accepted in to see the judge. I'm #45    :-/

After the long... cold... painful wait in line outside, we shuffle through security. The basics- remove belt, shoes, jacket, put purse on conveyor belt... Exactly like I'm at the airport, but I'm not going anywhere fun.

Another long wait in line to talk to the people at the check in window. At least this time we are with heat. Apparently it's a long time to speak with 44 people. 35 min to be exact. I do have to admit that the court clerks are WAY more personable than the DMV... Which is my next stop :(

My back aches. My Uggs are unsupportive for standing 2 hours. I thank the lord I'm not here with the usual derelicts that usually frequent the courthouse. I guess this is considered a "good day".

903am. We've finished "watching" the court video explaining our rights and how to plea... And yes I say VIDEO. Does Pleasanton's Courthouse not take enough money from us law breaking citizens OR receive the funds from the county to transfer this video to DVD? Hell I could do that at home. Maybe I'll offer; in exchange for a reduced fine of course. ;)

They call names and offenders approach the bench area. A depressing "graduation ceremony", however, sometimes the outcome is more rewarding.

*sidenote: do not drink coffee before having to sit in a courtroom waiting for an undetermined amount of time. All sorts of issues.

1029am. I'm still waiting to stand in front of the judge. Unfortunately, I know from experience, that tickets involving marijuana possession or talking on their cell takes priority over my request to reduce my fines and pay today. My sanity is saved by a hilarious couple behind me making fun of everyone. This is one expensive comedy show.

Fines reduced. Yay! They need a cashiers check. I go to a credit union which can only see my Chevron Credit Unions SAVINGS ACCOUNT. I don't have that kind of money in savings! Sheesh! I call and transfer Chevron checking to savings, deposit money and a check. Get cashiers checks and BACK to court to pay. Now off to the DMV to fix my registration and license due to my procrastination ... :(

1208pm. The DMV is party central. Whoot wooo. :-/. Damn furlows. Now serving B137... I'm B168. Thank god for my iPhone.

*sidenote: i have seen WAY too many people wearing sandals/flip flops/open shoes on this very rainy day. I mean ONE person would be considered too many and I've seen SEVERAL today. F'n weirdos. What's wrong with people? Just because it's California doesn't mean your nasty feet showing will make it stop raining.

I fucking hate the DMV. Bunch of people that don't know shit about shit. First person didn't understand me and could hardly speak English. Next person was an angry white bitch giving me attitude instead of helping me get my questions answered. Finally, the manager answered my questions which I turned my head, directed toward that white bitch, and said, "That's all I needed to know". And after ALL that... I couldn't fix my registration and license.
I walk outside and call my mom and I'm YELLING, not AT her but to her about these fucknuts and all she's trying to do is help an calm me down. Thank god for my parents. Ive grossly underestimated them.

Again I know this is ultimately my own fault but I'm not clubbing baby seals or kidnapping children for christsake. I'm TRYING to make it right, accepting my responsibilities and PAYING DEARLY for the
consequences. Cut me a lil slack assholes.

(Unfortunately this horrible saga went on and on... and on. But now I am a legal, law abiding citizen) :)

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